Norco Co-Operative Work, Health and Safety Policy

Policy: Work Health & Safety

Section: Work Health & Safety

ID No: WHS-POL-6.01.11

Authorised By: Michael Hampson

Position: Chief Executive Officer

Issue Date: June 2024

Norco Co-operative Limited (Norco) is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health. Our commitment to ensuring the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of our employees, and all other persons in or affected by our business, through elimination and control of hazards and risks in the workplace, is paramount and demonstrated by WHS being one of our key pillars for business success.

Workplace Health & Safety improvements are achieved through the commitment by each and every person involved in our business. It is the responsibility of everyone (employees, agency employees, contractors and visitors) to:

-  Identify and report all hazards/ incidents, and
-  Take appropriate action to control risks from these hazards (as possible)
-  Remove ourselves from possible harm if these risks cannot be adequately controlled until done so.

Legal compliance must be our minimum standard at Norco. We will strive to provide a workplace where safety is part of everything we do and where, no matter what role you hold, everyone has the opportunity to be involved in safety decisions.

In order to support Norco’s commitment to safety we will:

  • Develop, implement, and maintain a WHS Management System
  • Comply with the obligations prescribed by relevant WHS legislation & Codes of Practice
  • Proactively and continuously improve the WHS performance in the prevention of injury and ill health
  • Identify, assess, eliminate hazards and minimise risks in the workplace by taking effective preventive and protective measures
  • Provide appropriate resources to ensure the management of safety in our workplaces
  • Consult and communicate with our employees and other relevant stakeholders directly, or through workplace consultative methods, on all safety matters
  • Provide safety information, training and supervision of all workers, contractors, labour hire employees and visitors
  • Develop, implement and maintain safe systems of work within the risk management framework
  • Develop, implement and monitor WHS objectives and targets
  • Ensure the safe use of plant, structures and substances within our workplaces
  • Clearly define responsibilities and obligations to WHS at all levels of the organisation
  • Proactively ensure the rehabilitation and return to work of injured/ill workers with the aim to return workers to pre-injury duties as soon as possible
  • Ensure all employees have access to appropriate welfare services and facilities
  • Ensure a commitment to the continuous improvement of the WHS management system
  • Review this WHS Policy every two years or sooner as a result of a significant change in workplace structure and/or operations or WHS legislation

Our aim to achieve excellence in safety and providing safe and healthy workplaces, requires the commitment of each and every person involved in the business.

With a diverse workforce we support individuality however safety is not negotiable and we will hold individuals accountable for their actions or inactions that result in poor safety outcomes.